Kanata Writer's Group
Recently we were approached by Andrew Snook of the Kanata Kourier-Standard. He had heard of our group through the local library and wished to get an inside look at one of the little gems that the library has and that Kanata offers up to all that wish to come out.

Mr. Snook showed with camera in one hand and note pad in the other on Wednesday March 10th, 2010. Our long standing and co-founder Alan Willson greeted Mr. Snook and our outgoing and relaxed manner allowed him to settle right in.

The article will be in the Kanata Kourier-Standard on the 18th of March 2010 and can also be read at the following link... Fiction writing that's fun for everyone

Our thanks go out to Andrew and all those interested in our humble little group. And thank you to all the members that greeted Mr. Snook with the openness that is the Kanata Writers' Group.
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